Czech Technical University Implements Innovative Audio-Visual Technologies
The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague was established in 2005 to coordinate research and teaching activities in the field of biomedical engineering. The Faculty is focused on research dealing with a wide scope of scientific and biomedical engineering projects. The education program has been offering two specializations, "Equipment and Methods for Biomedicine" which trains biomedical engineers for research and development work and "System Integration Processes in Health Care" which prepares biomedical engineers for management positions.
Renown for its innovative, leading edge approach to higher education, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering continues its tradition of being at the forefront of educational innovation with the reconstruction of its key teaching facilities. In the process, the main conference and convention halls have been upgraded with the most advanced audio-visual technologies available today to meet the objective of providing sophisticated, engaging multi-image display capability.
AV Media, a systems integrator specializing in advanced mulitmedia technology, was contracted by CTU to design and install the new audio-visual system. The design required a single control room that would operate and distribute multi- image visuals to two halls, supporting a variety of high resolution computer imagery and video sources. AV Media selected RGB Spectrum's QuadView® multiviewer to provide the core multi-image display capability. The AV Media design team concluded that the QuadView multiviewer was the optimal solution for this high profile project.
Previously, the Biomedical Engineering facility's meeting and conference rooms were limited to one image displayed at a time on a single screen. The faculty needed more versatility to support a growing number of disparate image sources. With the QuadView multiviewer they are now able to integrate an array of image sources and display up to four images simultaneously on each screen in the main conference and convention halls.
The QuadView multiviewer receives both computer and video sources. The video includes live feeds from cameras mounted throughout the facility, the University's video teleconferencing systems, and DVD players. The multiviewer also receives computer imagery consisting of PowerPoint presentations, scientific and medical data, and spreadsheets. The multiviewer combines computer and video sources and outputs them to five Panasonic PT-D series ceiling-mounted projectors.
Operators use a CUE central control system to select image sources, choose display configurations and route the multiviewer output. Each of the images can be resized and repositioned anywhere on-screen and panned and zoomed to focus on a particular area of interest.
The response from audiences and faculty alike has been overwhelmingly positive. The system has dramatically enhanced the education experience, increased comprehension and retention, and provided a more effective method of presenting complex information to the audience. Particularly impressive is the multiviewer's outstanding image quality, with sharp, crisp text and graphics that render even intricate spreadsheets readable to the audience.
The Czech Technical University's (CTU) in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, based in Kladno, Czech Republic, conducts research and teaching in the expanding field of biomedical engineering. The Faculty offers an interdisciplinary education on BSc and MSc levels and educates professionals and specialists in the fields of biomedical and clinical engineering. For more information,
AV Media is an audio video technology systems integrator based in Prague, Czech Republic. AV Media provides audio- visual, presentation, and projection technology system integration for conference and meeting rooms, dispatch control stations, classrooms, training rooms, special simulation and 3D applications, trade fairs, and many other places. For more information, call 420-261-260-218, fax 420-261-227-648, or visit
RGB Spectrum® is a leading designer and manufacturer of videographic and multimedia hardware subsystems. Products include the View™ family of video windowing systems, the RGB/Videolink® line of scan converters, the DGy™ digital recording system, Quadra® universal scaler and synchronizer, SynchroMaster® keyers and overlayers and SuperWall™, ComputerWall® and MediaWall® multi-screen display controllers. RGB Spectrum is based in Alameda, California, and can be reached at 510-814-7000 and on the internet at
RGB Spectrum is a leading designer and manufacturer of mission-critical, real-time audio-visual solutions for a civilian, government, and military client base. The company offers integrated hardware, software, and control systems to satisfy the most demanding requirements. Since 1987, RGB Spectrum has been dedicated to helping its customers achieve Better Decisions. Faster.™